On Tuesday CBSSports.com's Jon Solomon wrote a story on how much each of the four teams in the inaugural College Football Playoff spent on their respective runs.
The answer -- for Oregon?
$3.8 million.
The story is difficult to digest unless you're really into numbers, but it's certainly worth a read if you have the time. Solomon does some fantastic work and really gives good insight into the business of college football.
Here's Solomon's bit on Oregon: "Oregon listed a net gain of $1.3 million for two playoff games when factoring $4.9 million in Pac-12 reimbursements and $650,501 in credit card fees for tickets (2.5 percent of sales). The Ducks spent $2.2 million on bonuses not included in the net gain. Oregon reported a net loss of $677,004 for the Pac-12 Championship Game in Santa Clara, California."
Surprising/interesting nuggets from the piece:
$650,501 were made off credit card fees alone. Just let that sink in for a moment.
For the Rose Bowl 639 different Oregon-affiliated people travelled; for the title game that number dropped to 578.
On the Rose Bowl, the Ducks spent the least amount per person in the travel party of any team in the playoff ($2,675/person). For the title game, that figure jumped to $3,644/person which was $135 more per person than Ohio State spent for the same trip.
The Ducks' band and cheer team spent six days in Pasadena for the Rose Bowl as opposed to Florida State's band and cheer team, which only spent three days. This is probably due to the fact that the Seminoles brought 183 more members of their band and cheer team to Pasadena.
Oregon spent $523,146 on food and lodging at the Rose Bowl (per day: $58,127.33)
Oregon spent $218,664 on food and lodging at the title game (per day: $43,732.80)